Artist Statement
I have always had a passion for art since I was very young and remember drawing quietly in my room for hours at a time. I started experimenting with oil paint in my early twenties, then went on to have a short fling with acrylics in my thirties and finally embraced working with oil and cold wax medium. Through the years, my creativity has developed, changed and matured, yet always remained a reflection of my internal reality.
Today I see my art as a path to my inner child, where I am free to simply explore, experiment and imagine. When I let go of the logical, practical parts of myself, the child awakens and the journey begins. Its when time stands still and I'm deeply lost in the process of creating.
With chosen materials in hand, I embark on a repetitive process that involves a series of layers which create visual texture beneath a mostly sepia-toned palette with shades of shadow and light. Through this process I visually communicate the images that are imprinted in my minds eye.
My art serves as a profound means of connecting with others on a more intuitive level. As I observe individuals engage with my work, it's as if they're able to tap into a part of me that's usually concealed. By inviting personal interpretation, I'm able to gain insight into each viewer's perspective, which in turn highlights our shared experiences rather than our differences. This ability to connect without words, but through a shared understanding and a deeper knowing, is what compels me to create.
Although I've had many interests through the years, I am an artist to the core of my being. There is no way to restrain it.
It's who I am.